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Euroz Obsession





This mare has kindly been offered to me on lease. An interesting combination of sought after dressage 00 Seven bloodlines combined with  jumping lines Flaneur x Souvenir. A tall springy mare with flowing movement and an exceptional personality. Everyone that meets her thinks she is the prettiest of the ladies!! AWHA registered


Has not only been competitive in Holland to Grand Prix level, he has also become an influential sire in the KWPN studbook. He has produced literally hundreds of offspring who are super competitive dressage horses in Holland – 70 of which are competitive at FEI level. No stallion in this country can boast the success of their offspring like OO Seven!

00 Seven was champion of the KWPN Performance test in 1999. He was the highest graded dressage stallion with a score for walk 8, trot 9, canter 9, ability for dressage 9. The jury described him as a top genetic dressage horse of the modern type. He has light movements with exceptional presence and balance. 

00 Seven was Reserve Champion in the Pavo-Cup 2000 Competition of four year old dressage horses and Reserve Champion Pavo Cup 2001. He came second in the Stallion Competition 2001/2002. In 2002 he was the very convincing winner in the final of the Amev-Hippo Cup in Maastricht. In 2003 in Zwolle he won the title of best young stallion with a score of 69.66%.  He went on to win the stallion competition in Den Bosch, of the VHO Trophy competition at Light Tour-level. In 2005 he was National Champion in Nijmegen and Res Champion in Eindhoven. He won in Mechelen in Int and first in Prix St George Int. CDI Hamsbeke 2006 and 2nd in the Light Tour.

Since arriving in Australia in October 2011, OO Seven has taken the dressage scene by storm! He won the PSG CDN class at the Boneo CDI (Jan 2012) with over 71%. 

OO Seven then followed this success with another 71% win at the Orange CDI at Bradgate Park (Feb 2012). Dressage with Stars (March 2012) was yet another success for this stallion winning the PSG and the Inter I freestyle to be the uncontested winner of the PSG Cup. The Sydney CDI (May 2012) saw more success with some outstanding results. 3rd in the CDI PSG, 2nd in the Inter I & 3rd in the Inter I freestyle. 

OO Seven and David were the proud winners of their first ever GP with a score of 66% at the Hawkesbury Dressage Champs (June 2012). They followed suit at the August DNSW comp with another 66%.  At their first big CDI Grand Prix show, David and OO Seven were 3rd in the GP & performed an almost faultless freestyle to finish first on 70.425%.

NSW State Dressage Champs (Aug 2012) was a huge success for OO Seven. He was 2nd in the Grand Prix with a personal best of 67% and had another win in the freestyle- this time with a massive 72.58%! This ranked OO Seven as the number one horse for the Equestrian Grand Final at Equitana in November 2013!


RUBINSTEIN was a multiple Oldenburg dressage champion, series winner of dressage competitions up to advanced class, and multiple Intermediare II and Grand Prix winner. Rubinstein is known as a great improver for the breed. He consistently passes on his wonderful temperament, trainabilty and movement.​

GELBRIA competes at Grand Prix level  and is a full sister to Olympic Barbria. 


The Trakehner stallion DORUTO was born in 1962. He was the leading dressage sire in 1998 according to the World Breed Rankings thanks to the huge success of his offspring. He is the sire of coutless performers at FEI level including 1976 Olympian Banjo with rider Jo Ruten, Robby (Bert Rutten), Ideaal (Jo Hinneman), Urion (Nadine Capellmann) & Heruto (Coby Van Baalen).

KLASSIK FANTINE was AWHA champion foal out of 80 foals at the AWHA gala day and was awarded reserve champion for the day out of all classes.

THORSTON - a jumping bred stallion, a very well sought after cross of FLANEUR (the very first imported holsteiner warmblood stallion to Australia) and Souvenir, who needs NO introduction


  • 2014 Halle

  • 2018 Kadon Park Victorious

  • 2019 Kadon Park Fascination

  • 2021 Kadon Park Forbidden Love

  • 2022 Kadon Park Questionable Affair

  • 2023 Kadon Park Deviant


Kadon Park Victorious

Kadon Park Victorious

Versace x Euroz Obsession

Kadon Park Victorious

Kadon Park Victorious

Versace X Euroz Obsession. 3 years old.

Kadon Park Victorious

Kadon Park Victorious

Versace x Euroz Obsession. First Competition

Kadon Park Victorious

Kadon Park Victorious

Versace x Euroz Obsession. First Competition

Kadon Park Fascination

Kadon Park Fascination

Fiji R x Euroz Obsession

Kadon Park Forbidden Love

Kadon Park Forbidden Love

Furst Love x Euroz Obsession

Kadon Park Questionable Affair

Kadon Park Questionable Affair

Questing R x Euroz Obsession

Kadon Park Deviant

Kadon Park Deviant

Drumming R x Euroz Obsession

© 2015-2025 by Kadon Park Performance Horses. Quality performance bred warmbloods with proven pedigrees for sale.

Quality performance bred warmbloods with proven pedigrees for sale. Each year we plan to breed a small number of quality warmblood foals from talented sires as well as one coloured foal, without compromising on quality. warmblood horses for sale vic, performance warmblood, warmblood stud, dressage horse for sale, eventing horse for sale, jive magic, olympic ferro, regardez moi, salute, richmeed medallion, Gymnastik Star, Calypso II,  broodmares, warmblood foal, foal for sale, yearling for sale Wimborne Constable progeny, Wimborne Constable foal, furstenball youngstock furstenball foal for sale, furstenball progeny, Byalee Briar progeny, Byalee Briar foal for sale, Byalee Briar youngstock ,Fiji R projeny, Fiji R foal for sale, hatero De PB projeny, Hatero De PB foal for sale, Versace foals for sale, versace progeny for sal e, Fiji R youngstock, hatero de PB youngstock warmblood yearling, Furst love progeny, Furst Love foal for sale, furst love youngstock, Bentley for sale, Benley prgeny, Kambarbay for sale, Kambarbay progeny, Kambarbay youngstock, Bentley Youngstock, Bluefields Dankeschoen progeny, Bluefields Dankeschoen for sale, Sartors supermodel progeny, sartors supermodel for sale, sartors supermodel foal, Desert storm progeny, desert storm for sale, desert storm foal, Loris Flashpoint Af Lyn progeny, Loris Flashpoint Af Lyn foal for sale, Knabstrupper Foal, Knabstrupper for sale, Iberian horse for sale, Iberian Foal , Andalusian horse for sale, Andalusian foal, Lusitano horse, Lusitano for sale, Lusitano foal for sale Christos foal for sale, christos progeny, latin lover progeny, latin lover foal for sale, zenon foal for sale, zenon progeny, Quasi Gold progeny, Quasi Gold foal for sale, Armas Calabres progeny, armas Calabres foal for sale, Iresisas L Iresias L foal for sale iresias L progeny, Questing R foal for sale , Questing R progeny, Fidertanz foal for sale, Fidertanz progeny, Kenlock Indian sky foal for sale Kenlock indain Sky progeny, DEstano foal for sale, Destano Progeny, DEstano youngstock, Solaris Buenno Progeny, Solaris Buenno For sale, Solaris Buenno Foal, De Niro, Fishermans Friend, Lauries As, Swarovski,Sirocco, Couloured warmblood foal, couloured warmblood for sale Celere Celere progeny for sale, Lusitano foal, Celere foal, Glamourdale foal for sale, Glamourdale progeny for sale, DRumming R progeny, Drumming R foal, Drumming R for sale, Sezuans Donnerhall for sale, Sezuans Donnerhall foal, Sezuans Donnerhall progeny, Total hope foal for sale, Total Hope progeny, Andalusian foal for sale, Majodero R foal for sale, Majodero R progeny, Questing R foal for sale, Questing R progeny, Armas Calabres foal for sale, Armas Calabres progeny, Special edition foal for sale , Special Edition progeny, Zafferano foal for sale Zafferano progeny, 

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