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warmblood foal for sale
Photo courtesy of
Rondelle (Regardez Moi, Salute), Jive Lady (Jive Magic, Richmeed Medallion), BP Olympia (Olympic Ferro)
Bradgate Park Olympia (Olympic Ferro X Ribera Grande (Regazzoni)
For Sale
Meet the broodmares
Kadon Park News

Each year we plan to breed a small number of warmblood foals from proven sires, as well as one coloured foal, without compromising on quality.

Since 2024 we will also be producing Iberian foals from our small herd of Spanish Purebred mares

All of the warmblood mares at Kadon Park have bloodlines GLITTERED with FEI superstars, as direct sires, grandsires and damsires.

Our pure Spanish mares come from a long line of Andaulsian and PRE stallions and mares Imported into Australia generations ago


Kadon Park aspires to produce high quality foals with the temperment, trainability, conformation and movement to take YOU all the way to the top!

© 2015-2025 by Kadon Park Performance Horses. Quality performance bred warmbloods with proven pedigrees for sale.

Quality performance bred warmbloods with proven pedigrees for sale. Each year we plan to breed a small number of quality warmblood foals from talented sires as well as one coloured foal, without compromising on quality. warmblood horses for sale vic, performance warmblood, warmblood stud, dressage horse for sale, eventing horse for sale, jive magic, olympic ferro, regardez moi, salute, richmeed medallion, Gymnastik Star, Calypso II,  broodmares, warmblood foal, foal for sale, yearling for sale Wimborne Constable progeny, Wimborne Constable foal, furstenball youngstock furstenball foal for sale, furstenball progeny, Byalee Briar progeny, Byalee Briar foal for sale, Byalee Briar youngstock ,Fiji R projeny, Fiji R foal for sale, hatero De PB projeny, Hatero De PB foal for sale, Versace foals for sale, versace progeny for sal e, Fiji R youngstock, hatero de PB youngstock warmblood yearling, Furst love progeny, Furst Love foal for sale, furst love youngstock, Bentley for sale, Benley prgeny, Kambarbay for sale, Kambarbay progeny, Kambarbay youngstock, Bentley Youngstock, Bluefields Dankeschoen progeny, Bluefields Dankeschoen for sale, Sartors supermodel progeny, sartors supermodel for sale, sartors supermodel foal, Desert storm progeny, desert storm for sale, desert storm foal, Loris Flashpoint Af Lyn progeny, Loris Flashpoint Af Lyn foal for sale, Knabstrupper Foal, Knabstrupper for sale, Iberian horse for sale, Iberian Foal , Andalusian horse for sale, Andalusian foal, Lusitano horse, Lusitano for sale, Lusitano foal for sale Christos foal for sale, christos progeny, latin lover progeny, latin lover foal for sale, zenon foal for sale, zenon progeny, Quasi Gold progeny, Quasi Gold foal for sale, Armas Calabres progeny, armas Calabres foal for sale, Iresisas L Iresias L foal for sale iresias L progeny, Questing R foal for sale , Questing R progeny, Fidertanz foal for sale, Fidertanz progeny, Kenlock Indian sky foal for sale Kenlock indain Sky progeny, DEstano foal for sale, Destano Progeny, DEstano youngstock, Solaris Buenno Progeny, Solaris Buenno For sale, Solaris Buenno Foal, De Niro, Fishermans Friend, Lauries As, Swarovski,Sirocco, Couloured warmblood foal, couloured warmblood for sale Celere Celere progeny for sale, Lusitano foal, Celere foal, Glamourdale foal for sale, Glamourdale progeny for sale, DRumming R progeny, Drumming R foal, Drumming R for sale, Sezuans Donnerhall for sale, Sezuans Donnerhall foal, Sezuans Donnerhall progeny, Total hope foal for sale, Total Hope progeny, Andalusian foal for sale, Majodero R foal for sale, Majodero R progeny, Questing R foal for sale, Questing R progeny, Armas Calabres foal for sale, Armas Calabres progeny, Special edition foal for sale , Special Edition progeny, Zafferano foal for sale Zafferano progeny, 

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